Digital Backgrounds Can Transform Ordinary Photos Into Magical Portraits in Just 3 Minutes Or Less!

The thrill of taking pictures -always feels like the first time every time. Now armed with your ever handy digital SLR and taking your nth photo, you still feel that same level of excitement when you held that very first instant photo you took with your Polaroid. So the moment you felt that you can translate this passion for photography into something that can cover the bill, managing your very own home studio seemed like a picture-perfect idea. But after a month of having less than encouraging results, you are now starting to wonder if your home photography business can actually outgrow your home. With creativity, right marketing strategy, and digital backgrounds, we know you can cash in on your experience of being behind the camera and earn yourself a full time income working part time hours.

Dare To Start With Zero: Growing Your Home Studio

But what exactly are digital backgrounds and how do you use them to grow your business?

Can you imagine a photography studio with just a mere white backdrop – without the fancy painted backdrops and expensive photography props that you’ve seen other portrait studios? With today’s advances in cameras and digital enhancements, we dare you to imagine the unimaginable. With years of working behind the lens, we know that a camera with one light, a reflector and a simple white background combined with digital photography backgrounds are the just the ticket that new home photography start ups need to become highly successful. We sure wish we knew when we were first getting started what we know now. If we did, we could have saved thousands on all of the unnecessary photography props, backgrounds and tools we thought were necessary to succeed in a home based portrait studio.

One of the very first things that you learn about browsing through your old photos is that photography is not always about having a great looking subject with just the right expression. More often than not, backgrounds can really make or break a shot. Our experience tells us that a background, especially when used in portrait photography, can set in the mood that you want to achieve or throw everything out off balance. That is how important backgrounds are in making a good photograph.

And just like the rest of the new photo biz start ups, you may think that the only way to improve your chances of gaining enough clients to cover the bills and earn a living is to

· Shop for expensive backdrops and props to attract customers who want creative studio shots. After all, kids love to play with great but expensive toys that are prone to wear out and break and your main clients here are parents who love cute photos of their babies. So what other choices do you have?

· Learn how to use sophisticated software, which not only requires your time but some serious cash when you enroll in a crash course so you can learn how to use it.

· Go outdoors and organize an offsite photo shoot. We could not agree more when you say that the Mother Nature provides the best background you can ever find. But bringing your client outdoors – and arranging a session outside – is downright impractical, especially for a start up.

You may believe that outdoor locations are free. But our experience proves just the opposite. Remember, time is money and just driving all the way to the nearest picturesque spot takes a lot of time off your billable hours.

We use to meet our clients at a park or the beach and despite asking them to dress in a coordinated fashion they seldom would. The kids would often get muddied and parents would get frustrated trying to stop their kiddies from running amuck and pleading with them to sit still so the tree branches over their heads would not appear to be growing out of their ears in the finished portraits.

These are definitely all great ideas. But start crunching the numbers and you will know that all these add up big time to your overhead. If you have exhausted your stash for rainy days, run out of family members who trust your skills, and faced investors who only question your ability to grow a successful photography business then we have some very good news for you.

What if there is an affordable solution, which requires only a little knowledge of user-friendly photo manipulation apps and takes less than 3 minutes per photo from start to printing?

What You Need To Know About Digital Backgrounds

Digital photography backgrounds are very flexible and easy-to-use background images and creative themes that replace expensive old masters and scenic painted canvas backdrops and they make many props obsolete. Digital backgrounds can be easily manipulated and eased into an image you took with your SLR to enhance not only a boring white backdrop but to literally take your subject out of this world. Ever wonder how can you add a bit of “Wow” to a studio shot? Why not put your subject in a whole new dimension like a mystical enchanted forest or a room straight from a Victorian castle? Digital backgrounds give you this flexibility and more.

Here’s a quick overview of how you can shop for and use digital backgrounds with ease:

· First, choose a reliable provider. There are a lot of online sellers who will definitely try to sell you their stuff. And since these items are, well, in digital form, there are some risks when shopping for digital backgrounds online. Check their portfolio, read their terms, and check the quality of backgrounds you are buying. It is difficult to go after online sellers since most payment systems like PayPal do not cover digital products.

· Second, download high quality digital backgrounds. NEVER buy in bulk, that is, those that are bundled with hundreds of others. Why? Simply because you’ll never know what you will receive – and if all are actually usable. Digital photography backgrounds maybe affordable and you will never have enough of them. But be practical. The key is to know your clients: Are you targeting moms who would love a picture of their children in a fairytale setting as fairies, pixies, wizards and such? Or the teen market who loves creative shots and wants a year book image they can be proud of? With this in mind, you can narrow down your choices and only shop for the backgrounds that your target market will truly appreciate and love.

· Lastly, open and use. Digital backgrounds can be used with Corel Photo, Adobe Photoshop, and GIMP, also referred to as Poor-Mans Photoshop. So how do you exactly use a digital background? Simple. Just open the image with the app of your choice, use the magic extractor tool to extract your subject from a boring background, open the digital background you have just purchased in the same window, drag the extracted image over the background, and, viola, in an instant, you now have a unique and creative photo that will truly impress your clients.

It’s really just a matter of extracting your subject and placing it onto a digital background. The key to creating a magnificent work of art lies in how you can creatively blend the image with the digital background.

Honestly, using digital backgrounds is easy. However, creating a creative and flawless photograph is a process and a journey. But with heaps of free tutorials on the net, the whole learning process will only take days. You will be surprised with what you can create after just a few tries and will wish you had began using digital backdrops years ago.

Ready-to-use digital backgrounds give you an instant edge and leverage over your competition. Why sweat doing an all-nighter and digitally enhancing portraits one by one when you can just download an instant digital background in less than a minute? Aside from creating great portraits, digital backgrounds are also perfect for birthday cards, Christmas cards and christenings. Plus they work really great for a pet photography business. The possibility is really limitless.