Reasons to become a substitute teacher are many and varied. Some subs come into the classroom on a day-to-day basis. Others are long-term and may be in the classroom for three months or more. No matter whether you are new to ‘subbing’ or an old-hand, you’ll find some valuable tips and resources in this article.
It is possible to get through the day if a teacher is substituting based on a simple call-in, need arise basis. Under these circumstances, the best way to get through the lessons would be to prepared in advance fillers that are challenging and interesting enough for the students. However, it should be understood that there is not enough opportunity for establishing personal contact and building any routines.
A more long-term substitute teacher has more concerns about managing a classroom, which is common. Take a couple of minute to identify the concerns that you have regarding classroom management and discipline. How can you as a substitute teacher instill a feeling of consistent learning?
Here are some ideas
If classroom management problems persist, try observing a group of students or a particular student causing the trouble. What is he or she doing? Why is she or she off task?
For a more long term substitute, I would recommend establishing routines such as getting to know the students, which would involve preparing s seating chart, a few getting to know you activities, and setting goals. Discuss with the students their expectations. What would they like to learn? How can you help them. This kind of dialogue will give the students a sense of stability and security in the beginning, which has been offset by a change in learning circumstances. In addition, students will pick up that you are genuinely interested in their learning, and most by then will have started to pitch up with their off-task behavior.
It is also important to establish accountability procedures. Start with grading procedures such as components of the final grade weight or percent for each component and extra credit assignments. Tell the students that you will record and organize their grades in your gradebook.
Next come procedures related to homework. Record those who have done their homework, collect, check and return homework. Spend time reviewing homework in class. Make sure you have procedures for partially completed homework, unacceptable homework or no homework. Think through procedures about redoing homework and deciding in advance how much homework is worth with reference to the students’ final grade.
At the end of the day, a student wants to walk out of the lesson feeling he or she learned something. Prepare your lesson in advance thinking through troubleshooting issues with regard to classroom management and lesson planning. Have a back up plan if need be.
After do a bit of researching about substitute teaching on the web, I realized that there are little or no training programs or even a support system for substitute teachers. This confirms the ‘sink or swim’ syndrome of substitute teacher and In this respect, teaching in general. However, there are immediate resources: the first being getting organized.
Final Words
Substituting a class is not incredibly perky in the beginning, but it can be rewarding if the attitude and atmosphere in the class are made right for the very beginning. Stress to the students that both you and the students are together in this situation and you want them to succeed. Hopefully, this will create positive vibrations for learning, motivation and the desire to succeed and eliminate completely off-task behavior.